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[Plugin] s4aUpdater

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  • [Plugin] s4aUpdater

    The plugin (Plugin) s4aUpdater was created on the basis of the plugin
    Menu Fantastic Plugin 0.1.2 by gutemine
    actually on the idea of the MyUpdater plugin, for which I thank Sancho,
    which was actively developing it until 2019.​

    The program can:
    download defined channel lists,
    upload ***** on a clean system, regardless of the platform,
    update ***** without knowing what it is on,
    in the configuration you can change the selected ***** between 4 editions Jej@n, Jej@n ICAM, samur, MOHAMED_OS
    the ability to run scripts from the command line
    throw out GS from time to time....
    auxiliary tools have been created in the additional tools tab, which are constantly being expanded:
    information about the currently used *****,
    backup ***** settings,
    backup channel lists
    make a picon copy,
    restore data from a copy, but in the case of *****, the current configuration location is checked first and restored there, so you can transfer your settings between different distributions.
    upload current *****.srvid2 (requires manual ***** restart to take effect)
    upload current satellites.xml (requires manual ***** restart to take effect)
    remove root password,
    setting the need for a password when logging in to ftp (which is disabled by default in most distributions), also removes the root password,
    changing the webif ***** port to 8888,
    show permissions of local cards,
    and many others

    it speaks 3 languages PL/EN/DE but is gettext so pot file included​
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  • #2


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    • #3

      -Adding an option to reset plugin settings to defaults​
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      • #4

        online update
        Fix forcing language change in plugin
        wget http://s4aupdater.one.pl/instalujs4aupdater.sh -O - | /bin/sh


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