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[Plugin] Astronomy

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  • [Plugin] Astronomy

    Thx Evg77734
    Based on astronomical calculations Sirius0103
    - Plugin displays data on the position of the planets of our system and the Moon in space, as well as displays it graphically.
    - The direction to the planets according to their azimuth at this point in time in relation to the place of observation.
    - The place of observation is your geographic coordinates.
    - Geographic coordinates are determined automatically by the corresponding service on the Internet.
    - If the height of the planet (angle of the place) is greater than zero, the planet can be observed in the sky with or without instruments, in the plugin it is reflected by red and green color of the special icon.
    - The data is constantly updated, as planets move, which is noticeable on the screen during long observation.

    Thanks Lululla
    fix py2-py3
    f​ix png planet and plugin
    • timer routine - fixed
    • missing widget (Label) on skin - fixed
    • correct color on skcreen Info (crash on dreambox)
    • Locale Language bring on init file
    • add locale language: Slovak, Czech, Polish and Hungarian. (thank's Warder) and IT ( Lululla)
    • recoded call single planet
    • removed code unused
    • add label Name to planet
    File allegati
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