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e2 SAT Editor - Yet another channel list editor

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  • e2 SAT Editor - Yet another channel list editor

    I developed this software e2 SAT Editor.

    It can edit settings list, Enigma, Neutrino, in their various versions. It comes with FTP, telnet and webif support.

    No special features, it only edits lists. It consists of 1 drag-and-drop tree view, has tab navigation, there is transponders editor, xml settings editor, a channel explorer "Channel Book" with channels by categories: services, bouquets, positions, providers, resolution, encryption, A-Z.

    May contains some imperfections, I hope to achieve maximum stability with the future 1.0 version. A command-line interface for use without a gui is under development.

    Now it runs on Linux, Mac and Windows, even BSD-like (I tried it in FreeBSD).

    There is also a demo version (Qt WebAssembly), it runs on normal web browsers, it is limited for a peek before the download: https://ctlcltd.github.io/e2se-wasm-demo/


    Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla. 

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ID: 278

    You can download it from the GitHub repository: https://github.com/ctlcltd/e2-sat-editor, Releases page. Alternatively you can compile it by downloading the free source code.

    What else to say... for Windows I think of a portable version, for the other OS normal distribution.

    I wrote it in C++ using the Qt toolkit for the gui.

    In the past I used DreamboxEDIT , when Wine for macOS support for 32-bit was dropped I threw myself into this adventure.

    It's distribuited under the terms of GPLv3, so it's FOSS, and it's free to use for everyone.

    Hope you like it
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