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Problema de actualización / Problema di aggiornamento

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  • Problema de actualización / Problema di aggiornamento

    Bueno, hasta hoy todo perfecto, pero al encontrar actualizaciones nuevas y intentar su instalación, se queda intentándolo "in eternum" sin que nunca termine. Hay que resetear el deco sin que actualice. OpenDroid 7.3 lo tengo instalado en la flash habiendo activado el OPDBoot, permitiéndome instalar 7 imágenes más en "media/hdd" y funcionando todo sin problema, a excepción de la actualización que he explicado... ¿Le pasa a alguién más? Adjunto copias de pantalla.

    Bene, fino ad oggi è tutto perfetto, ma quando trova nuovi aggiornamenti e prova a installarli, continua a provare "in eternum" senza mai finire. È necessario reimpostare la deco senza aggiornarla. Ho OpenDroid 7.3 installato nella flash avendo attivato OPDBoot, permettendomi di installare altre 7 immagini in "media/hdd" e tutto funziona senza problemi, tranne l'aggiornamento che ho spiegato... Sta succedendo a qualcun altro? Allego screenshot.

  • #2
    Have you tried update using Terminal and also stop enigma2 before doing opkg update?
    Haz tratado de hacer update usando Terminal y también parar Enigma2 para hacer el opkg update?........TP


    • #3
      Que poca imaginación tengo!...

      Quanta poca fantasia ho!... 😀👍😘


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da rajoar Visualizza il messaggio
        Bueno, hasta hoy todo perfecto, pero al encontrar actualizaciones nuevas y intentar su instalación, se queda intentándolo "in eternum" sin que nunca termine. Hay que resetear el deco sin que actualice. OpenDroid 7.3 lo tengo instalado en la flash habiendo activado el OPDBoot, permitiéndome instalar 7 imágenes más en "media/hdd" y funcionando todo sin problema, a excepción de la actualización que he explicado... ¿Le pasa a alguién más? Adjunto copias de pantalla.

        Bene, fino ad oggi è tutto perfetto, ma quando trova nuovi aggiornamenti e prova a installarli, continua a provare "in eternum" senza mai finire. È necessario reimpostare la deco senza aggiornarla. Ho OpenDroid 7.3 installato nella flash avendo attivato OPDBoot, permettendomi di installare altre 7 immagini in "media/hdd" e tutto funziona senza problemi, tranne l'aggiornamento che ho spiegato... Sta succedendo a qualcun altro? Allego screenshot.

        Anche a me


        • #5
          Try using Terminal...TP
          Have you tried update using Terminal and also stop enigma2 before doing opkg update?
          Have you tried to update using Terminal and also stop Enigma2 to do the opkg update?


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da TurboPirate Visualizza il messaggio
            Try using Terminal...TP
            Have you tried update using Terminal and also stop enigma2 before doing opkg update?
            Have you tried to update using Terminal and also stop Enigma2 to do the opkg update?
            Yes, I have tried, but it doesn't work either. Can you tell me exactly what command you would use?


            • #7
              Also confirmed that closing enigma 2 before executing the opkg commands still causes the same freezing problem "in eternum", having to turn off the receiver and restart it, without updating anything...


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da rajoar Visualizza il messaggio
                Also confirmed that closing enigma 2 before executing the opkg commands still causes the same freezing problem "in eternum", having to turn off the receiver and restart it, without updating anything...
                Hummm that doesn't sound right, if turning enigma2 off/sleeping mode still give you freezing, I suggest backup your settings and Flash Online the latest image.....that is what I do when it freezes......


                • #9
                  opkg update updates the image feeds located in /etc/opkg/ ( off the top of my head may be a slightly different path ) if you run this command it will not update any thing on the image but allow the image to know updates are there.
                  Update Plugins
                  opkg upgrade is the command that updates the image and or plugins as identified by the above opkg update command. when using these commands i recommend you first place enigma into a sleeping state so that any changes that are made have less risk of becoming corrupted as they may when being updated while there in a live / running state.
                  Here are some other commands that i use regularly with ViX although most if not all are universal to all images, along with a brief description of what the commands do as i understand them ( so some may be wrong or not 100 percent accurate ) but all these commands work as i use them my self.
                  init codes.
                  init 1 closes all running files.
                  init 3 wake enigma from a sleeping state / GUI restart.
                  init 4 Kill enigma / places enigma into sleep mode allowing you to edit or modify files that otherwise would corrupt or become damages if edited while live.
                  init 6 Full reboot.
                  you can also use the following commands.
                  shutdown -r now = basically the same as the above init 6 command
                  shutdown -h now = Full shutdown.
                  lsusb = lists all attached USB devices
                  df -h = checks memory and storage stats.
                  nmap -sp = allows you to map your local network ( change the address as needed to map your own network )
                  cat /proc/meminfo = memory info
                  opkg update && opkg list-upgradable = allows you to check what is available to update on the image.
                  opkg download = allows you to download plugins directly from the images own feeds in a installable .ipk format to the /home/root/ directory of your receiver for safe keeping etc. a couple of examples as follows.
                  opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
                  opkg download enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker
                  opkg install = allows you to install plugins directly from the image feeds., a few examples below.
                  opkg install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker
                  opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
                  opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand
                  This is a copy and paste, I am not taking credit of someone else's work.......but it's what I use on all my receivers
                  Axas His Twin +
                  Octagon SF8008 Twin


                  • #10
                    Well, heeding the recommendation, I have flashed the OPD 7.3 image from scratch, recovering only the configuration and the exact same problem arises again, the same files, etc... I think the problem is deeper and comes from the image for Vu+ Uno 4k SE. Anyway, let's hope that, sooner rather than later, the problem can be clarified...


                    • #11
                      If that is the case I am sure the developers will fix this and any bugs/glitches with the image...........TP


                      • #12
                        Today I tried with Octagon found similar problem, I tried Terminal (winsp) init 4 then opkg update, I had to do it multiple times until no more updates, so I recommend install latest image.............................TP


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da TurboPirate Visualizza il messaggio
                          Today I tried with Octagon found similar problem, I tried Terminal (winsp) init 4 then opkg update, I had to do it multiple times until no more updates, so I recommend install latest image.............................TP
                          Sure enough, trying 4 or 5 times, starting with init 4 and then alternating opkg update with opk upgrade, I was able to update it completely. Thank you very much for your interest and attention, TurboPirata. In any case, it would be advisable for the developers to take a look at it to take it into account.


                          • #14
                            I am sure they are dealing with it...............
                            Estoy seguro que estan trabajando con eso.....................TP


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